New York City Street

Pedestrians outside of a cafe in Manhattan, with the Empire State Building in the distance, New York, 1980.

1 Jan 1980
New York City, New York, United States
New York

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1980 1980s 80's art deco art deco skyscraper buildings car cars cities city city centre city skyline city skylines city streets clear skies clear sky conversation day day light day time day to day life daylight daytime down town downtown eighties empire state empire state building esb fly on the wall interaction interactions manhattan manhattan area megacity metropolitan metropolitan transport metropolitan travel new york new york city new york city skyline new york city skyscrapers new york skyline new york skyscrapers ny ny skyline ny skyscrapers nyc nyc skyline nyc skyscrapers open skies open sky pedestrian pedestrians people people interacting portrait portraits roads shot skies sky skyline skyscrapers slice of life talking taxi taxis traffic transport vehicles walk walking wide wide-shot yellow cab yellow cabs yellow taxi yellow taxis

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