Manhattan Skyline 1980

Parts of the Manhattan skyline filmed from a boat, New York, 1980.

1 Jan 1980
New York City, New York, United States
New York

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1 wtc 1980 1980s 1wtc 2 wtc 2wtc 80's 9/11 911 blue blue skies blue sky blueskies bluesky buildings cities city city centre city skyline city skylines clear skies clear sky day day time daytime down town downtown eighties establishing establishing shot former building historical historical document history landmark lower manhattan manhattan manhattan area megacity metropolitan movement moving-shot new york new york city new york city history new york city skyline new york city skyscrapers new york history new york skyline new york skyscrapers ny ny history ny skyline ny skyscrapers nyc nyc history nyc skyline nyc skyscrapers open skies open sky pan pan shot panning panning shot september 11 september 11th skies sky skyline skyscrapers the twin towers the wtc time travelogue twin tower twin towers world trade centre wtc

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