Trinity Church

A view of the Trinity Church garden and graves, New York, 1980.

1 Jan 1980
New York City, New York, United States
New York

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1980 1980s 80's anglican anglican communion church city skyline clear skies clear sky communion day day light day time daylight daytime eighties episcopal episcopal church gothic gothic architecture gothic revival graves gravestones graveyard green space green spaces greenery high church manhattan manhattan area megacity nature new york new york city new york city skyline new york city skyscrapers new york skyline new york skyscrapers ny ny skyline ny skyscrapers nyc nyc skyline nyc skyscrapers open skies open sky pan pan shot panning panning shot parish parish church pedestrian pedestrians rest in peace rip shot skies sky skyscrapers sun sun light sunlight sunny the trinity church tree trees trinity church trinity church graveyard walk walking wide wide-shot

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